Saturday 26 September 2009

N.B - Moodboard

From my moodboard research, I have learnt that all solo male artists appear on their album or single covers. I found that 4 of the covers I found were cartoonised and 3 of those covers still had an image representing the artist. In the case that the artist did not feature, the text was the main part of the cover. In almost all of the covers the artist himself takes up around 50% of the cover with the text taking up around 25% and the other 25% being left for the background. The most common colours used are blues, browns and blacks which connote some of the generic conventions of the calm acoustic sounds that the artists produce. The colours are also very masculine. Also, about half of the artists have covers where they are looking at the audience whereas the other half tend to be looking away whether it is up, down, towards the text or away from the text. Another thing that I have noticed is that on only 1 of the covers the text is directly in the centre of the cover whereas all the other covers tend to place the text on the left corners, although it does depend on what the image is of and how the text fits in. Also, all of the artist appear as themselves and don’t dress up in any extravagant clothing to appeal to a wider audience, they sell themselves as how they want to appear not how the audience wants them to appear.

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