Monday 21 September 2009

P.P-C - Mood Board

From looking at the album covers on my mood board it is clear to see that, the most important aspect of the cover are the colours used to attract peoples attention. The brighter the colours that are used, means it will attract peoples eye, this will help with the marketing aspect of the product. It is also clear that this genre of artist in the main will use a photo as the main point of the album cover, the next most obvious would be a graphic design. I believe a photo may be used the most as it is showing the artist and saying that they are the focus point of the album. The way the photo is placed is extremely important, for example, i believe for our artist 'James Morrison' a very simple shot of his face would be used. Depending on the music in the album will have a huge impact on the colours that will be used, a more up beat album will use more of the warm tones and colours whereas a laid back, casual album will use darker colours. Furthermore the Title and name of the artist in most of these covers, are very plain and simple, i feel this is because the picture will make the statement rather than the writing.

1 comment:

  1. Nellie - you need to analyse your mood board - a pattern emerging with solo artists? Colour? N-V language?
