Friday 18 September 2009

P.P-C - Analysing Print Media

Lemar - 'The Truth about Love'

I will be analysing an album cover by Lemar called ‘The Truth about Love’, from first appearance it is noticeable that the main focus for the album cover is the artist himself. This was Lemar’s Third album, helping release one of his new singles. It was released in the UK on the 11th September 2006.

The genre of the artist, I believe is put across through the album cover. This is because the album cover is very simple and all about Lemar, this is also what Lemar basis’s his music on (his personal life and occurrences that have happened to him). The album cover has a black and white theme; this may connote how simplistic the artist is. Furthermore these colours may connote different emotions and feelings, for instance white putting across the pure and happy times whereas black for sadness and sorrow. We can also see from the emotion in his eyes that he is a kind person.

The rule of thirds is defiantly used with this album cover, as a consumer our eyes are immediately drawn to Lemar’s eyes, mouth and his name. To us Lemar’s eyes stand out, as though they are putting across what he is trying to say, they are very powerful. This album cover has no need for the use of props as it is strong enough without. The main feature of the album cover is a close-up picture of the artist; this allows us as the audience to feel like they are letting us get to know a bit more about them, letting us in. We also notice Lemar’s eyes are looking up, to us this makes the picture feel quite innocent and a little bit sad, leading us to want to hear what the music is about, therefore this would have been thought through very carefully from a marketing aspect. Moreover the light source in this picture is focus upon the artists face, this giving the artist a glow, making him very innocent and pure.

The writing on the album cover, is very simple also the font used has been used on some of his past albums, this may signify that the artist is still the same but telling a different story, through the songs. The artists name is made quite bold, so that in stores it will catch your eye. However the name of the album ‘The Truth about Love’ is made much more discrete. Although we notice that there is a line underneath the word ‘Love’, to me this connotes and symbolises the fact that love lasts forever, like the line can continue forever. The main iconic sign is the person; we can tell a lot from the artist however in this album cover we don’t get the opportunity to see any type of costume. The background, is a simple block grey colour, this would be used to emphasis the picture and the lighting used on the face. From analysing the album cover I believe that the colour of the font is used to anchor the lighter areas on the face and the eyes.

It is important to notice how the album title and artist’s name differ. The word ‘Lemar’ is written in a very laid back casual way (small lettering), but if we look at the album name, although it is written in a smaller font, the phase ‘The Truth about Love’ is written in capitals, this then makes it feel like he is trying to create a strong message about love.

The artist comes across as very relaxed, chilled and innocent; this is through the representation shown on the album cover. We notice that the design is very simple without the need, for computer graphics, location and writing. We are drawn in by the simple visual and the title of the album ‘The Truth about Love’ this title lets on to the audience, that there is something we don’t know about love. How Lemar is represented, would appeal to a lot of people as, he is sharing something about himself and his experiences with us, to fans this would be a big reason to buy his album. This adds to his meta-narrative as when he first started out winning a programme called ‘Fame Academy’ his first album which released in 2003 called ‘Dedicated’ this to us tells the consumer that he is determined to do well and make something of himself. Later in 2004 his album was called ‘Time to Grow’, to us this could connote, that Lemar is ready to start experimenting with music or the album is telling us his story and what has happened since winning. He then released in 2006 the album I am analysing called ‘The Truth about Love’, from this we now know that he can tell us stories about his life and show another side that maybe he hadn’t let anyone see yet. Through sharing his journey, will help promote each album and sell them to the fans.

This type of print text can be consumed in many different ways, for example; internet (websites), magazines, shops and advertisements. On the internet they can look for the album on Amazon (or other similar websites) and then if they wish purchase the album.

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