Carrying out audience research is a vital part of planning and evaluating. Surveys help you question your target audience to find out what they expect from your media text. We carried out a survey to help us decided what our video would be about and to back up our initial ideas. Here is a link to the post:
We also carried out some audience research by showing our class our rough cut. Here is a link to the post:
We also carried out a survey to evaluate our video with our target audience and here are the results:
Question 1 - Please could you rate the video.
Thankfully nobody rated our video negatively. We had only 4 people rate it as average. 10 people rated it as good and 3 rated it superb. This is very pleasing for our group as we were anxious as to how people would take it.
Question 2 - What did you think of the video?
The feedback was mostly positive and here are a few of the responses:
- Good considering the budget given.
- I enjoyed it, the way it portrayed the development from boy to man.
- It was good as it told a good story; I also enjoyed some of the cinematic techniques employed
- Looked quite professional.
- Clever, well filmed and made me smile.
Question 3 - What was your favourite part of the video?
From the results it was apparent that there were 3 main parts of our video that people liked:
- Shot of Ben and Thomas sitting together on the wooden springboard
- Shot of Thomas merging into Ben on the roundabout
- Last shot of Ben and Thomas walking together
Here are the clips of the shots:
Question 4 - Please answer the following questions relating to what you did not like.
1. What part of the video did you like the least?
The least favourite part of the video was the shots of Ben with the white background; nearly all of the answers stated this. I think if the background was white or the lighting was better than people may have liked this shot a lot more than they did.
2. Why?
The results showed that people found the shot repetitive, boring, random and distracting from the story. Some people felt that they hadn’t been filmed as professionally as the other shots. This is disappointing for us as we hoped that the shots would enhance the video and focus more on the talent of the musician.
3. What would you change about it?
Most people suggested taking out the shots and adding to the plot instead. Some people suggested that rather than taking out the shots, they could be lit better and could feature more motion to make them more interesting.
The story in our video was about the boy and how he has grown up and changed through his childhood due to different events in his life. A huge 76.5% of people understood this to be the storyline which is really good for us as it shows we made a video that tells the story we wanted.

- Maybe it is not growing up and changing, rather the relationship between brothers, and the similarities that are between them.
Question 6 - Which shots are the most effective and why?
The results for the question were very varied. Here are a few of the comments:
- When the camera is behind the young chap and the sun is reflecting off the lake/pond. This is because of the way in which the light is cutting across the picture.
- The boy changing into the man, it told the story very well.
- The ones taken from lower down, looking up at the boy playing the guitar and the close ups of the little boy.
- The transformations from a young boy to a grown boy and the little boy sitting alone on like the roundabout etc.
- The one with the river it looks really good, also the one when your behind him and with the little boy on the bench.
- The park, with the boy and guy sitting either end of the bench; shows meaning of song.
Question 7 - Would you change the speed of the cutting?
The majority of people said that they wouldn’t change the speed of the cutting which shows that we edited the video together correctly. Reasons for changing the speed of the cutting included:
- Its too jumpy so most emotion is lost.
- I think you cut from one scene to another and back again quite quickly. It might have been better to let the viewer watch a bit more of each scene without cutting away and then back. Viewing images in quick succession gives a bit of a feeling of disorientation.
Question 8 - Would you watch the video again?
Thankfully more people said they would watch it again compared to those who said they would not watch it again which means, in terms of making the music video a success, we have completed our task. It is vital to create a video that people want to watch again otherwise you lose out on a lot of advertising and money. Most people said they would watch it again because:
- It was visually interesting
- They enjoyed watching it
- The storyline was good
- The scenery and locations were appealing
- You always notice more the second time you watch it.
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